To YOU from US

There is a lot of technology in our library. Our target is to assist our beloved users in having a good time in our library. So, we do hope the technology we shared below will meet users' expectations. Thank you.


Are you tired after a long week of work? You don't have time, or are you having problems getting the materials you want to borrow from the library? Don't worry! We got your back! We are providing drone services for sending the materials right to your house!
Just apply it when you choose the materials through our app, BIBLIOTHECA, THE PIVOT OF THE WISDOM. 

Function: Delivering library materials to the user direct at their house. For example, magazines, books, and many more. The drones will operate every day, from 9.00 a.m until 9.00 p.m. The area covered is only this town. So, grab this opportunity!

Social VR

Want to feel close to each other even if you are far away? We, Bibliotheca Library, bought you, our users to latest changes in our library. So, grab this chance to be the first who try this! 

Function: Communicating  with others and doing the activities with them
There would be fascinating activities every week. For example, joining virtual games, virtual visits to the library, museums, art exhibitions, and many more.

Cycle-powered Phone Charger

Our library also provides cycle-powered phone charger technology. We hear you! Instead of just sitting around and doing some reading, you can go cycling simultaneously. Interesting right? 
We are providing cycles for both children and adults. So, do not worry! You can also bring your children and let them play and enjoy themselves. 

Function: Cycling while reading. Increase health conditions at the same time.


We also placed three Robots in our library. So, feel free to ask them if you have any questions. Don't worry! They practiced a lot! But, if you want directly ask us, we are still here at the Reference Desk!

Function: Acts as a reference librarian. It can answer users' or patrons' questions.

Automated Library Vending Machine

Do you want to read but you cannot reach us? Don't feel frustrated! 
We provide free automated library vending at the park! Come first to our library to sign up as a member! You only need to renew it only at every final year! So, if you want to use the machine, do not forget your card!

Function: To serve patrons who are unable to visit our physical buildings. 

Digital Interface Printing Books

Are you searching the content of the book including smart search?  Looking for a reference on the web?
Want to get an instant translation, write notes,
or collect book passages? What if we said that all
this can be done on the same device that you use
to read an ebook. Our library has a device that can
help you with all your problems.
We can obviously lend you an ebook instead of a print book, but here's a
better idea which is to enhance the print
book with a digital interface.
You can use FingerLink.
This device is a project currently developed by
Fujitsu that will let you use digital tools to work with a
printed book.. Don't forget to visit our library if
you want to try this invention.

Function: To ease patrons who want to search content
of the book including smart search, looking for a reference on the web , want to get an instant translation, write notes, or collect book passages in one device.

3D Printer

Our library also has a 3D printer that can be used for those that love to do craft. Children also can build their own toys from it and adults also can use this 3D printer to build their blueprint.
Want to use this device to come to our library and experience the tech by yourself. 
You can access this device with your library membership card so don't forget to bring your membership card if you want to try the 3D printer.

Function: A 3D printing service is for children and
adults that adore in crafting their own toys or anything that they want to print in 3D

Augmented Reality Library

Do you want to see books become reality? Don't you feel curious about it?
Our library can serve you with an augmented reality library that can make your book's photo feel real. In UK London, this augmented reality digital Mythical Maze app has been used in summer reading challenges to help children improve their reading skills during the summer holidays so why don't we do like them.

Function: To help children improve their reading skills and to make study feel fun and not boring.

Screenless Display

Are you tired of the lack of space on the screen based on your display? Or
You want to be like Iron Man with a high tech screen display?
Well our library wants to introduce you with our new Screenless Display that doesn't need any screen for displaying your books,videos or pictures. Visit our library to learn more about this tech!!!

Function: As the name indicates screenless display has
no screen and it can be defined as a display used to transmit any data such as pictures or videos without the help of screens.

Mobile Library Center

Bibliotheca, the pivot of the wisdoms are too far from your house? Or
You don't have time to go to the library? It’s okay, we have the solution.
We introduce to you our own mobile library center.
This Mobile Library Center will operate on weekends from 6 am to 10 pm.
So don't forget to visit our mobile library center on the weekend with your family.

Function: To engage local communities or reach people
in remote locations, the library would want to physically leave the library building
