Library Collection

Library collections means an item that can be use in public. Library collections can be included an item such as books, sound recording, equipment, licensed databases and more.


S. R. Ranganathan’s Classification can be divided into four (4) categories which are:

1.     Conventional Documents

a.   The most popular documents to be use by any users.

b.    A formal, standard, or common documents that had been use by   users

c. The content was recorded in a natural language which are recorded by writing, typing, printing, or some near-printing process.

d.     Examples:

                                                                    i.     Books

                                                                   ii.     Maps

                                                                  iii.     Periodicals

                                                                    iv.     Atlas 

2.     Neo-conventional Documents

a.    A new class of micro-documents.

b.     Examples:

                                          i.     Reaction formulae in chemistry

                                         ii.     Data of properties

                                        iii.     Standards

                                        iv.     Specifications

                                         v.     Patents

3.     Non-conventional Documents

a.     Micro reproduction of “Conventional Documents”.

b.     The documents are recorded in non-conventional size, shape,  or material.

c.      Examples:

                                           i.     Micro copy

                                          ii.     Audio-visual

                                          iii.     Audio

                                           iv.     Visual 

4.     Meta Documents

a.   A record of national or social phenomenon which is got through the instrumental and mechanical devices

b.   It made directly unmediated by the human mind before or after it got transformed into a thought and got into the human mind

c.    Examples:

                                              i.     Instrument’s technology

                                             ii.     Photography

                                             iii.     Radar

Hanson’s Classification was divided into two (2) categories which are:

1.     Primary

a.     Books, dissertations, reports, periodicals, and more

2.     Secondary

a.     Catalogue, indexes, bibliographies, indexing, and more.

Grogan’s Classification have been divided into three (3) categories which are:

1.     Primary

a.  Periodicals, patents, trade literature, research report, and other sources.

2.     Secondary

a.  Indexing and Abstracting Journals, Reviews of Progress, Monographs, Text-books, and more.

3.     Tertiary

                  a.    Bibliography of Bibliographies, Year Book, 
                            Directories, Guide to Library, and others. 


There a few types of collections that we have in our library which is divided into three (3) categories which are Library Core Materials, Non-Book Materials, and Electronic Resources.

 Library Core Materials

Text Books

Text book is one of the main foundations of the collection in academic library. It contains a teaching instrument which is important to the readers for a proper understanding of any subjects matters. 

Reference books

Based on ALA glossary, reference book is a book that was designed by the arrangement and treatment of its subject matter in order to be consulted for definite items of information rather than just to be read consecutively.

  Non-book Materials

     The reading materials that may be in printed and non-printed forms such as:

Video cassettes

Video cassettes is the audio-visual materials and most convenient. Video cassettes was used for package information to serve recreational and informational content.


Newspapers acts as s significant resources for the community because it provides an important resource of the daily news. Newspapers also acts as an important document due to it great source of knowledges.



Manuscripts is the media of  transmission because of its knowledge for centuries of years for the country. Manuscripts is the only material that have handwritten copies of the text of literature which are mainly written in Sanskrit or of the vernacular language

Electronic Resources

        a.   Considered as resources which help in collection development besides, we can access the

              information  through the internet.

        b.   Can be classified in two (2) types:

                         Primary Sources

                     1)     Primary sources are the data that has been generated by the researcher which is considered as the real time data and has being collect in a long term.

                        2)      The primary sources that we have in electronic resources are:



The electronic version of printed books. Association of American publishers (2000) has defined e-books as “a literary work in the form of digital object consisting of one or more unique identifiers, metadata and a monographic body of content, intended to be published as accessed electronically”.



The Glasglow University Library stated that “any journal that is available over the internet can be called as electronic journal”. For your information, e-journals also referred as “electronic publishing”, “electronic serials”, “online journals”, and also known as “electronic periodicals”.


Electronic Theses and Dissertation (ETD)

ETD is a research of work that has been done by the individual which is consists his/her ideas in it. Most of the databases of ETDs are for academic and scientific community. 

 Secondary Source

                     1) Includes the databases of references numerical, statistical and bibliographies information

                                          Indexing/Abstracting Databases. 

                                                  Examples: SCOPUS, Dialog, OCLC first search, and more.

                                          Economic and Statistical Data.

                                                  Examples: Census Databases, Asian Development Bank.
